Originally from Toronto Canada, she made the move from Scotland to the Middle East with her husband Dave. This is her expat story.
Kristina, tell us about your expat move.
This was my second move as an expat. I decided to move to Scotland with my best friend when I was 24 years old. I had intended to only be in Scotland on a two-year working holiday visa, but during that time I met my husband, got married and ended up staying in Scotland for 15 years!
Moving country becomes a bit more real as you get older. The level of organisation required was greater this time around moving with my partner to Dubai.
It’s been an interesting journey for me so far. I’m very happy here and settling in quite nicely in Dubai.
What have been some of your top highlights?
For me, coming to Dubai for the first time, never having been here before and deciding to make the move, it has been completely different from what I’d expected.
I’ve met a lot of people outside of work through different expat functions. It’s quite interesting to meet other people from different parts of the world.
What do you miss about your home country?
I think it’s the family aspect that you definitely miss. Friends and family, the normality that you are used to obviously goes out the window.
Especially in the beginning it is a bit of a shock because you don’t have your usual support system.
You soon start to develop new routines and new friendships. Being an expat also brings you new experiences that you wouldn’t have necessarily had if you’d stayed in your home country.
What one be the one piece of advice you would give to those making the expat journey?
I would have to tell people to try not to take everything so seriously and try not to stress the little things. As an expat, things will sometimes go wrong and that’s ok.
I think you just have to accept that and remember that not everything will go according to plan. Just go with it and have confidence that everything will work out in the end.
Especially with moving and getting organised to move to a country.
Finally, how would you describe your expat journey in 10 words or less?
A life changing journey that I never expected.
International Health Insurance
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