Expat Stories – Andrew Boslem

Expat Stories – Andrew Boslem

Andrew Boslem is a Senior Sales Associate at Cigna Global IPMI.
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This is his expat story.

Tell us about your expat move.

I was working in the Glasgow office and looking to move abroad. I was born abroad, and my dad lives in New Zealand, so living abroad has always interested me. Once the opportunity to relocate with Cigna came up, I couldn’t move quickly enough.

The opportunity to move out to Dubai and work on a new exciting project was just too good to turn down.

What have been your top highlights so far?

I’m a big music fan and I’ve been lucky enough to see some of my favourite DJs almost every weekend, it’s a bit surreal at times as the setting is always incredible. When I first arrived Liam Gallagher and Chemical Brothers were playing the same night and they were so good!

The sporting events are excellent too. I went to Abu Dhabi recently to watch Real Madrid play in the FIFA club world cup.

Then there's the weather. The sunsets are absolutely brilliant!

What have been some of the biggest challenges so far?

In all honesty, I haven't really come across any.

What do you miss about your home country?

I miss going to the football in Scotland, but I still get to watch most of the games online. No matter where I am in the world, my team still seems to lose, so there's one home comfort I wasn't banking on. I definitely don’t miss the cold weather.

What is the one piece of advice you wish you’d known before moving?

Before I moved, I was told was to be open to change and just get stuck in, try everything. Sometimes in life you have to just immerse yourself in a situation to really understand it properly.

You grow into a place and learn new things along the way. I would definitely recommend it!

Finally, how would you describe your expat journey in 10 words or less?

Best and most exciting thing I’ve done. Go do it!

International Health Insurance

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You can also rely on our many years of experience in looking after the health and well-being of our customers.

Find out more about our plans here.

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