International health insurance with maternity cover

International Health Insurance With Maternity Cover

If you’re planning to move abroad while pregnant, there are several factors to consider, from securing suitable maternity health insurance to ensuring you have all the right documents to register your new arrival with the local system.

Moving abroad is a big decision, and it can be even more daunting if you have a little one on the way. Let’s take a look at all the ways you can better prepare for giving birth abroad and ensure you get the best health insurance with maternity cover.

Things to consider when moving abroad while pregnant

If you’re moving abroad while pregnant, you’ll want the process to be as smooth and stress-free as possible. There are some factors to consider before leaving home with a little one on the way.

It’s important to think about:

Flight restrictions

While air travel is generally ruled to be safe in uncomplicated pregnancies, there are some restrictions and risks. Most commercial airlines will allow you to travel up to 36 weeks for single pregnancies or up to 32 weeks for multiple pregnancies (e.g. twins).

Flying during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is considered a risk, as miscarriages can be more common during this stage.

Always check with your doctor or midwife before departure to ensure that you’re safe to fly. Some airlines require written documentation of this.[1]

Travelling while four – six months pregnant is usually considered the most ideal time – being viewed as a suitable half-way mark.

Travel vaccinations while pregnant

Taking vaccines while pregnant can be risky, but if the danger of infection outweighs the risk of live vaccination, it should be considered. Before heading to your new country, enquire with your GP or midwife about getting travel vaccinations.

Non-live (inactivated) vaccines are safe to use in pregnancy. These may include [2]:

  • DTP
  • Pertussis
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Intramuscular typhoid
  • Rabies

Maternity care in your destination country

Prior to your move, take time to research the available maternity care in your new destination. Peace of mind can come from knowing that you and your baby will receive the care you need once you arrive.

Consider the following:

  • Where to find available care.
  • How to register for care.
  • Do you have to pay for appointments?
  • Will you be covered under maternity health insurance?
  • How far in advance do you need to book appointments?
  • Are there any language barriers?

Finding a new doctor

Find a doctor close to where you plan to stay and think about how you will travel to the clinic for appointments. Is public transport available or will you be driving? You want to ensure that it’s not difficult for you to get where you need to be.

Look at reviews too, to ensure that the service you select can adequately meet your needs.

Once you’ve selected your new healthcare provider, schedule an appointment well in advance for when you arrive.

Prepare your documents

If possible, gather your medical records and documents before you depart, especially those related to your pregnancy. This way, they’ll be easily accessible for your new doctor. Nowadays, this can often be done electronically.

Moving to a country where a different language is spoken? If so, it could be useful to get your documents translated.

Practical planning

Last but certainly not least, you’ll need to do some practical planning for your birth. Consider factors like:

  • How you’ll register your baby’s birth
  • How to get a birth certificate
  • Will your baby hold dual nationality?
  • Are there any local support groups for new parents?
  • Organising maternity leave at work (if applicable)
  • Childcare options for the future

    Organising such factors will help to make your move easier and reduce hassles once you arrive.

    Finding the right international health insurance with maternity cover

    To ensure that you and your baby receive the proper care, it’s essential that you find the right international health insurance with maternity cover.

    Often, maternity cover is not a specific type of insurance product on its own. You’ll usually find that it’s an add-on for regular expat or family health insurance packages. You can usually choose to add maternity cover before you purchase any medical insurance.

    You should consider exactly what you need from your maternity health insurance, as this can differ from person to person. However, here are a few common features that you should aim to have included in your cover:

    mum and dad with two young children in a historic town open square


    Taking care of yourself prior to giving birth can help to prevent issues during and after your delivery. Prenatal cover can include services like blood tests, ultrasounds and healthcare appointments.[3]

    Routine delivery

    Your maternity health insurance should include the hospitalisation costs that are required for routine deliveries.

    Delivery complications

    Although a safe and issue-free delivery is always ideal, prevention is better than cure. Complications can arise during childbirth, and this can be even more stressful in a new, unfamiliar country. Having cover that includes delivery complications can help to cover the costs and provide peace of mind.


    You’ll want to ensure that you and your newborn are cared for after childbirth. This can include services like lactation support, counselling, immunizations and well-being check-ups for your baby.[4]

    Financial assistance with babycare products

    Some providers may offer financial assistance for various maternity products and services.

    Want to learn more about moving abroad while pregnant? Check out our helpful guide on pregnancy care abroad.

    International health insurance with maternity cover from Cigna Healthcare

    Cigna Healthcare offer premium international health insurance packages to ensure that your healthcare needs are met wherever you go. With local and global coverage, we have over 2.2 million hospitals and healthcare professionals available.

    Plus, you can access support, resources and tools for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. You can easily add maternity health insurance to your package. This way, you and your baby can get the medical care you need should you decide to move abroad.

    Find out more about Cigna international health insurance.



    It’s usually advised that you avoid flying internationally after 28 to 35 weeks, depending on your personal circumstances. For domestic travel, travel after 36 weeks is not recommended.

    Always consult your healthcare provider before deciding when to travel when pregnant, especially if your pregnancy is considered to have risks.[5]

    You should be able to move abroad when pregnant if it is safe to do so for both you and your baby. If you’re past your 28th week, some airlines may request that you provide a letter from your healthcare provider to prove that you’re safe to fly.

    Moving abroad can be a stressful process, so bear this in mind when making your decision.

    If you do decide to move abroad while pregnant, ensure that you get health insurance with maternity cover.

    If you’re seven months pregnant, you should be able to move abroad if your healthcare provider agrees that it’s safe for you to do so.

    Please note, some airlines may request documentation from your doctor to ensure that you are safe to travel at this stage.

    Flying internationally at 30 weeks pregnant is usually ruled as safe, but you should also check with your medical provider to ensure that there won’t be any significant risk to you or your baby. You may need to provide proof of this to the airline in order to travel.